Who We Are

Who We Are

Israel Matters (IM) is a 501 c3 organization based in northern California. Our group includes dozens of members in the United States, Israel, and other countries. We are bound together by an abiding love of Israel and hold monthly zoom and in-person meetings. If you are interested in joining IM, please contact us by email for more information: [email protected]


Our mission is:

To raise awareness about Israel through educational programs, cultural activities, and our websites.

To provide timely information about events taking place in Israel and information about how Israel can be supported.

To provide information about Israel’s numerous contributions to the arts and sciences in such fields as alternative energy, medicine, literature, agriculture, music, and technology.

To undertake and encourage others to join us in supporting organizations that support Israelis.

To proactively support the security and well-being of Israel as a Jewish nation and actively oppose efforts to de-legitimize Israel.

To expose anti-Semitism and bring to light the double standards that are uniquely employed against Israel as it attempts to defend its citizens.

To identify and respond to fallacious and derogatory statements about Israel in the media.


1. Israel is one of the most vibrant democracies in the world. Israelis should be able to choose their own government without interference from outside organizations and governments.

2. Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel.

3. Judea and Samaria are the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people. The Jewish communities of Area C are part of sovereign Israel.

4. While we hope and pray for peace, we do not believe that Israel should return to the 1949 Armistice Lines (also known as the June 4, 1967 lines).

5. The Golan Heights are an integral part of sovereign Israel.

6. Jews, Christians, and Muslims should have equal access to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

7. Israel must be able to defend itself. We strongly support the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces.